Your experiences are the most powerful support to push the Food with Care campaign through the state legislature. Have your voice heard.

We are seeking center- and home-based child care providers, parents/caregivers, and community partners who are willing to share their stories about food insecurity and the challenges it may have presented for you and/or the children in your care and families you serve.
We believe your experiences should be at the heart of the legislative process. Your stories will inspire policy-makers and increase the likely passage of Food with Care.
What is Food with Care? Food with Care (Senate Bill 1481) is a California legislative campaign that would bring free meals for all children in child care, and fair pay for child care providers.
Free meals. Our youngest children in child care, ages 0-5 years old, are currently excluded from the recent expansion of free meals for all CA K-12 students. Food with Care would ensure our younger children too will have access to free and nutritional meals in child-care settings.
Fair pay. Child care providers take the hit financially for federal rules that don’t take into account California's high cost of living. Each year, providers absorb tens of millions of dollars in costs for meals served to children who don’t qualify for free meals, but who need them all the same. Food with Care would bring fair pay to all of California’s child care providers by enabling them to qualify for higher reimbursements for eligible meals served.
We need your help. Share your stories.
Food with Care has received bipartisanship support from California’s Senate Education Committee and Human Services Committee! But there is still a long way to go.
We couldn’t have gotten this far without your support, and we need to keep up the momentum as we approach the finish line! Through this interview opportunity, you’ll share your experiences that help illustrate the real impact of food insecurity on caregivers’, families’, and children’s health; unequal pay for the early childhood education workforce; and raise awareness of the needs and strengths of your community. With your permission, CACFP Roundtable will lift up your voice on our website through a multimedia story-telling blog series.
The CACFP Roundtable “Your Stories: The Heart of Food with Care” Project will support Food with Care in its mission for free meals and equal pay.
Zoom interviews. You’ll meet with two to three CACFP Roundtable interns for a 30-minute conversation about your story.
May 2 - May 18, 2022. We will work with you to schedule a day and time within this period for an interview.
Interviewees. We’re looking for center-based early childhood educators, home-based care providers, caregivers, and anti-hunger community partners. Limited stipends of $50 Amazon gift cards are available for interviewees.
Multimedia Blog Series: CACFP Roundtable is a platform for your voices to be heard. We will record the Zoom interview and may include audio clips in the blog. We also invite you to share any pictures you’d like to accompany the narrative you want to tell! Our website reaches many within the CACFP community and policymakers in local, state, and federal positions.
If you are interested, please email us at with your preferred mode of contact and we will gladly schedule a time to meet with you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We would also appreciate if you can share this with anyone that may be interested in sharing their story with us! Looking for more ways to support Food with Care? Volunteer with CACFP Roundtable!