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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Marshall

Volunteer to engage with us to make it possible for free meals for kids in child care throughout CA

Curious about the state legislative policy process? Do you want to help us educate (which is different from lobbying) our state legislators about the importance of ensuring young children receive healthy meals in child care? Are you so excited about the possibility of free meals for kids in child care that you want to tell everyone you know?

We've got you covered. There are a number of ways in which you can engage with CACFP Roundtable and Nourish CA to get SB 1481, Food with Care, and funding for it across the finish line this legislative season.

  • Share your story, or a child's story or a parents story about how participating in the food program or being able to serve children meals in your care helps children grow and thrive. Share your story about what it's like purchasing food with the current reimbursement rates but how higher reimbursement will make the quality of the child care program even better. Share your story.

  • Testify. There will be hearings in which community members educate members of the state legislature about their experiences and why this bill and funding are needed. Testimony from the community is an essential part of making the legislation come to life for our state legislative members. You could either help us gather a pool of people that could testify or offer to provide testimony yourself.

  • Rally the community. Tell everyone wide and far about the bill, how to support it and why it matters to the state of California. This can be done at community meetings, over social media, with flyers to parents and so much more.

  • Engage in the policy process with us.

Fill out this quick form and we will get back to you or you can just email me,

Questions about Food with Care? Find all you need to know here. Still have questions? Email me!


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