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Food with Care (SB 1481) Needs Your Support to Pass Senate Appropriations

Writer's picture: Samantha MarshallSamantha Marshall

(Original post by Jared Call, Nourish California, April 21, 2022. Posted here with permission.)

Now that SB 1481 (Becker): Food with Care has passed its two policy committees, the bill is up for discussion in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Join us in asking the Senate Appropriations Committee to move the bill on to the Senate Floor! Here are two ways to support Food with Care: 1) Call and/or Email These Senators Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair (D-25) (916) 651-4025

Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins (D-39) (916) 651-4039

Please also contact your Senator if they are listed below as members of the committee (find your rep here):

  • Patricia Bates, Vice Chair (R-36) (916) 651-4036

  • Steven Bradford (D-35) (916) 651-4035

  • Brian W. Jones (R-38) (916) 651-4038

  • Senator Sydney Kamlager (D-30) (916) 651-4030

  • Senator John Laird (D-17) (916) 651-4017

  • Bob Wieckowski (D-10) (916) 651-4010

Sample script: Hi, my name is _____ and I live in ______. I’m calling to urge Senator ______ to support SB 1481, a bill that will ensure all kids in preschool and child care receive free healthy meals, and that child care providers are fairly compensated for meal service. Please support SB 1481. Thank you. [Or choose one or more of the following reasons or tell them your own]

  • To combat child hunger and help every student succeed, California recently became the first state in the nation to expand free meals to all K-12 students. It's time to make a similar investment in our youngest learners. SB 1481 would bring parity between child care and school-based meal programs.

  • Child care providers take the hit financially for federal rules that don’t take into account California's high cost of living. SB 1481 would ensure fair pay for providers serving meals to kids in their care.

  • Funding child care meal service is a preventative measure to ensure that children’s most basic needs are met during this crisis and to support the stability of our child care system.

  • Although costs have gone up, reimbursements have not and the cost of producing child care meals continues to exceed the average federal per-meal reimbursement.

2) Show your support on social media! Tweet or post your support and tag key members, especially Senator Portantino (@Portantino) and Senate President pro Tem Toni Atkins (@SenToniAtkins) Sample tweets:

  • #SB1481 will ensure free meals for kids in child care and fair pay for providers. #FoodwithCare Plz support SB 1481 @Portantino @SenToniAtkins

  • #SB1481 creates a universal meals program for our youngest learners. #FoodwithCare @Portantino @SenToniAtkins

  • Funding child care meal service is a preventative measure to ensure that children’s most basic needs are met. Support SB 1481 @Portantino @SenToniAtkins

  • Support SB 1481, a wise investment in the health and achievement of our youngest learners. #FoodwithCare @Portantino @SenToniAtkins

The federal child care meal program, with adequate funding and support, has the power to fill the gap in equitable access to healthy meals in child care while supporting the financial stability of the child care workforce.

Sign on to support the Food with Care Budget Request Fill out this short form to tell state budget leaders to fund Food with Care.

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1 Comment

May 03, 2022

This is so important for keeping all providers on the CACFP and all children eating healthy meals in childcare!

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