CACFP Roundtable is thrilled to host The Walking Classroom this month during a ZOOM meeting. We hope you'll join us to learn more about this enrichment opportunity. The Walking Classroom is an educational podcast that teaches health, science, social studies and language arts as well as social-emotional learning.
Title: The Physical, Cognitive and Behavioral Benefits of The Walking Classroom
Session Description: Walking while listening to Walking Classroom podcasts provides kids with an opportunity for physical activity while learning some amazing things. It’s an incredibly engaging way for kids to build a base of background information with podcasts that cover topics teachers are teaching in school -- language arts, social studies, biographies, and science. This screen-free experience, suitable for kids in grades 3 through 8, provides a way to reach all kinds of learners, including struggling readers. A research assessment we will touch on confirms that kids who listen to Walking Classroom podcasts while they walk (rather than just sitting) learn information better, retain it longer, and are in better moods after the experience. Attendees will learn about the approach, structure, and content of The Walking Classroom program, PLUS we will share feedback about associated behavior and attendance benefits.
Primary Audience: At Risk Afterschool Programs, Summer Food Service Programs
Secondary Audience: Anyone looking for outdoor enrichment for children in third through eighth grade
It is taking place on February 28th on ZOOM at 10:00 a.m. pacific. Register here.
