In a study published in September 2021, researchers posit that "CACFP participating sites were more likely to report using any approaches to connecting families to food resources and significantly more likely to report offering "grab and go" meals, providing meal delivery, distributing food boxes to families, and recommending community food resources than non-CACFP sites" (Stephens et al., 2021).
The study surveyed early childhood education sites in two states, Arizona and Pennsylvania. There were a total of 589 respondents spanning different types early education environments including family child care homes, child care centers, Head Start centers and state preschool centers. 43% of the respondents participated in CACFP.
Read the study here.
Stephens, Lacy, Caroline Rains, and Sara E. Benjamin-Neelon. 2021. "Connecting Families to Food Resources amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Early Care and Education Providers in Two U.S. States" Nutrients 13, no. 9: 3137.
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The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.