It's time to show your support!
Tomorrow, the California Senate Budget Committee will discuss funding for Food with Care.
The hearing will be held tomorrow, March 3rd, around 10:30 AM. To receive email alerts about the hearing and all breaking news about Food with Care, sign up here.
Providing Public Comment to the Legislature in Support of Food with Care
How to call in to the hearing to provide public comment:
Anytime after the hearing has started, dial 844-291-6364 | Access Code: 3531283
Once connected, dial 1-0 to be placed in the speaker queue
An operator will come on to give you your line number. Don’t forget your number!
When your line number is called by the operator you are live! MAKE SURE TO UNMUTE YOUR PHONE. Begin your comment immediately, and keep your statement under 1 minute or the Chair may cut you off.
**If, when you call, it says that the conference is full, try again once the comment period has begun as spot will become available once others have commented and hung up.
OR you can email your comment to the committee: SBUD.Committee@senate.ca.gov**
Sample comment - feel free to make it your own, but don't forget to say the bolded sentence below:
Good morning Madame Chair and members.
This is [Your Name] with [Organization] from [City], calling in strong support of the food and nutrition proposal: Food with Care - Free Meals for Kids in Preschool and Child Care.
With adequate funding and support, the Child and Adult Care Food program has the power to fill the gap in equitable access to healthy meals in child care, while supporting the financial stability of the child care workforce.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Legislature and Administration to ensure our youngest learners receive the nutrition they need, and that child care providers are fairly compensated.
Thank you.
Questions? elyse@ccfproundtable.org
The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.