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USDA Waives Onsite Monitoring Requirements

Writer's picture: Elyse Homel VitaleElyse Homel Vitale

FNS announced today that they have waived, for all CACFP sponsoring organizations, that the CACFP monitoring requirements included at 226.16(d)(4)(iii) be conducted onsite. To ensure Program integrity during this time, FNS says that sponsoring organizations should, to the maximum extent practicable, continue monitoring activities of Program operations offsite (e.g., through a desk audit).

This waiver is effective immediately, and remains in effect through September 30, 2021.

Advocacy Background:

The CCFP Roundtable and 60 other organizations signed on to a letter to the Deputy Undersecretary, Brandon Lipps, sharing with him the need for USDA to the allow for virtual visits and stating that CACFP Sponsors could not, in good conscious send monitors into child care facilities. Thank you, to all who signed on, we've been heard. Read the letter here.

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