We've been told decisions about the final state budget are happening RIGHT now and if Food with Care is to get funded this year, we need you to call in, email, and sign on in support ASAP. Here are 4 different, quick ways, you can show your support and help us get it across the finish line.
1) Call State Budget Leaders
Call or email the following key members and the Governor.
Governor Gavin Newsom (916) 445-2841
Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (916) 319-2063
Senate President pro Tem Toni Atkins 916) 651-4039
Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting (916) 319-2019
Senate Budget Chair Nancy Skinner (916) 651-4009
When your done, also contact your own Assemblymember and Senator. If you don't know who your representatives are, don't worry, it's easy! Just click here to find your representative by entering your street address. Then click on the name of your representatives and you will be taken to their website where you can find their contact information.
Sample script:
Hi, my name is _____ and I live in ______. I’m calling to urge [Representative Name] ______ to support Food with Care in the state budget package. Food with Care will ensure all kids in preschool and child care receive free healthy meals, and that child care providers are fairly compensated for meal service. Please support Food with Care. Thank you.
[Or choose one or more of the following reasons or tell them your own]
To combat child hunger and help every student succeed, California recently became the first state in the nation to expand free meals to all K-12 students. It's time to make a similar investment in our youngest learners. Food with Care would bring parity between child care and school-based meal programs.
Child care providers take the hit financially for federal rules that don’t take into account California's high cost of living. Food with Care would ensure fair pay for providers serving meals to kids in their care.
Funding child care meal service is a preventative measure to ensure that children’s most basic needs are met during this crisis and to support the stability of our child care system.
Although costs have gone up, reimbursements have not and the cost of producing child care meals continues to exceed the average federal per-meal reimbursement.
2) Sign the Budget Letter
Fill out this short form to tell state budget leaders to fund Food with Care.
3) Sign the Food with Care petition to Governor Newsom
Fill out this short form to tell Governor Newsom to fund Food with Care.
4) Show your support on social media
Tweet or post your support and tag key decision makers, especially Governor Newsom (@CAGovernor) Senate President pro Tem Atkins (@SenToniAtkins), Speaker Rendon (@Rendon63rd), and Budget Committee Chairs Senator Nancy Skinner (@NancySkinnerCA), and Assemblymember Phil Ting (@PhilTing).
Sample tweets:
#FoodwithCare will ensure free meals for kids in child care and fair pay for providers. bit.ly/38axFDN. Plz support #FoodwithCare @CAGovernor @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd @NancySkinnerCA @PhilTing
#FoodwithCare creates a universal meals program for our youngest learners. #FoodwithCare bit.ly/38axFDN @CAGovernor @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd @NancySkinnerCA @PhilTing
Funding child care meal service is a preventative measure to ensure that children’s most basic needs are met. Support #FoodwithCare @CAGovernor @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd @NancySkinnerCA @PhilTing
Support #FoodwithCare, a wise investment in the health and achievement of our youngest learners. #FoodwithCare bit.ly/38axFDN. @CAGovernor @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd @NancySkinnerCA @PhilTing
Thank you for your support and advocacy!
Questions? elyse@ccfproundtable.org or samantha@ccfproundtable.org
The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.