In light of the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 public health emergency, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has granted nationwide waivers to support access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID–19).
As of April 1, USDA has issued 8 waivers to address 60 day claims, monitoring, meal pattern flexibilities, parent meal pick up, after school activity, non congregate feeding options, and meal time.
More recently, USDA issued a series of question and answer documents on flexibilities and waivers for the Child Nutrition Programs intended to support effective operations and provide meals, while also supporting social distancing in order to reduce the exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
The California Department of Education has also been posting guidance related to School and Child and Adult Day Care Meals (make sure to scroll down the webpage more than half way to find the Frequently Asked Questions).
Advocacy. The Roundtable is working hard to make sure that decision-makers in Washington DC and elsewhere know about your concerns and on-the-ground challenges, in addition to understanding the importance of CACFP and the solutions we think will help. Learn more about the actions Congress has already taken and what is still needed >>
Tell us how you are doing. The Roundtable is here for you and we want to make sure we know what's happening in the community. If you are willing, please share how the coronavirus has impacted you, your business, and food access >>