The California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) created additional resources to support CACFP operations during the COVID-19 pandemic:
We Want to Keep You Healthy and Safe: A simple food safety guideline for families receiving meals. This half-page handout is intended to be printed during COVID-19 school closures or site dismissals and included in meals given to eligible families. This handout is available to view and download in English at Food Safety handout (English)(PDF) and in Spanish at Food Safety Handout (Spanish)(PDF).
Providing Bulk Foods During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A questions and answers fact sheet for Child Nutrition Program Operators regarding bulk foods and bulk milk distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please go to the Providing Bulk Foods During the Covid-19 Pandemic fact sheet(PDF) to download and view the fact sheet.
Creating an Emotionally Healthy and Safe Child Nutrition Environment in Challenging Times: A guide for program operators to protect their health and create an emotionally healthy and safe environment for their staff, the students, and the families they serve during the COVID-19. This handout is available to view and download in English at Creating an Emotionally Healthy and Safe Child Nutrition Environment in Challenging Times fact sheet (English)(PDF) and in Spanish at Creating an Emotionally Healthy and Safe Child Nutrition Environment in Challenging Times fact sheet (Spanish)(PDF).
Thank you CDE NSD for these helpful resources. Are you more inclined to provide bulk meals now? Let us know!