In November, you may remember, the CACFP Roundtable and many members of our CACFP Roundtable community signed a letter urging Congressional leaders to make the necessary investments and improvements to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Over 900 national, state, and local organizations joined us! See the letter here.
An Update on CNR
Congress still has an opportunity to make needed improvements to CACFP and other child nutrition programs this year. This month, they need to pass a spending package in order to ensure the government continues to operate. This is the vehicle to get a child nutrition reauthorization (CNR) passed. Child nutrition advocates are working hard to get some needed improvements to many of the programs ensuring nourishment to our young children. The bill won't be as robust as the Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act but there is still a possibility to get some necessary investments - such as the additional meal for CACFP. There is still time to urge your Senators to invest in children's health and well-being ensuring they receive needed nourishment.
If you haven't done so already call your Senators, get on social media, and share with your networks. The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) has put together ways for us to do this - also copied below. Thank you for your continued efforts in supporting the food program and the CACFP community!
Take Action Now: Now is the time to weigh in with your Senators to ensure that improving and strengthening child nutrition programs – including expanding Community Eligibility, adding a third meal for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, creating a permanent Summer EBT program, streamlining the Summer Food Service Program to serve children year-round, and modernizing WIC – are all included in an end of the year spending package.
Call 202-224-3121 (Capitol Switchboard) and urge your Senators to weigh in with Senate Agriculture Committee leaders and Senate leadership to ensure that investments in our children’s health and nutrition remain top priorities for this Congress and are included in any must pass, end-of-the-year, legislation.
Use the FRAC Action Network to urge your Senators to prioritize critical child nutrition investments in any end-of-the-year spending package.v
Get Vocal on Social
Tag & Tell Senators to Include Critical CNR Improvements in Any End of the Year Spending Package. Use these sample messages and tag your Members of Congress and @fractweets:
Don’t leave children off your checklist! [Tag Senators], support a year-end package with #childnutrition programs that strengthen, improve, & expand #freeschoolmeals through #CEP, #afterschoolmeals, & #summermeals, and child care through #CACFP & #WIC.
[Tag Senators], investments in our children’s health and nutrition need to remain top priorities for Congress, and need to be included in any must-pass end-of-the-year legislation. Hungry children can’t wait.
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Tag/tell Senators 2 elevate #childnutrition priorities in year-end spending legis. Strengthen & expand #freeschoolmeals via #CEP, #afterschoolmeals, #summermeals via #SummerEBT, Addtl meal via #CACFP & modernizing #WIC.

The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.