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Action Alert: 4/25 Food with Care is being heard by the CA Senate Budget Subcommittee 3 - provide your public comment

Writer's picture: Samantha MarshallSamantha Marshall

Senate Budget Sub-Committee #3 Health & Human Services

Public Comment Template


When: Thursday, April 25 @ 9:30am or upon adjournment of floor session

Where: 1021 O. St (Swing Space), Room 1200

Chair: Sen. Menjivar

Members: Sen. Eggman, Sen. Grove, Sen. Roth

Please support our CACFP state meal reimbursement fairness budget request by submitting a public comment in person or through email. Public comment over the phone is not allowed. You can also support by sharing on social media.


If you cannot attend the hearing in person, please email your comment on or before April 25th.

Subject line: Sen. Budget Subcommittee 3: Public Comment in Support Child Care Nutrition Budget Request - Food with Care

Sample email comment:

Dear Chair Menjivar and Members,

My name is [Your Name] and I am emailing on behalf of[Organization], commenting in support of Item #12.

  • Food with Care: Free Meals for Kids in Preschool and Child Care

With adequate funding and support, the Child and Adult Care Food program has the power to fill the gap in equitable access to healthy meals in child care, while supporting the financial stability of the child care workforce.

[If you have time, write a few sentences about why the CACFP is important to you and needs adequate funding]

We look forward to continuing to work with the Legislature and Administration to ensure our youngest learners receive the nutrition they need, and that child care providers are fairly compensated.

Thank you. 


[Your Name/Title/Organization]


  • If you are available to attend in person, we encourage you to stay for the public comment period, which may start closer to 12 or 1pm depending on how long the hearing lasts.

  • Your in person public comment should be no longer than 1 minute, and depending on how many people are lined up to give public comment, the Chair may ask people to keep their comments to under 30 seconds. 

Sample Public Comment

Hello, Madame Chair and members. My name is [Your Name] and with [Organization], commenting in support of Item #12

  • Food with Care: Free Meals for Kids in Preschool and Child Care

With adequate funding and support, the Child and Adult Care Food program has the power to fill the gap in equitable access to healthy meals in child care, while supporting the financial stability of the child care workforce. Please fund Food with Care. Thank you.


That’s it, you’re done! Thank you for your support and advocacy!

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