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Your Stories: The Heart of Food with Care

Maryam Cheraghi

Your experiences are the most powerful way to support the Food with Care campaign through the State Legislature. Make your voice heard.

We are seeking family child care providers who are willing to share their stories about experiences with hunger (personally or with the families you care for) and your challenges and successes in serving nutritious meals to the children in your care.

We believe your experiences should be at the heart of the legislative process. Your stories will be shared to inspire policy-makers and increase the likely passage of Food with Care.

What is Food with Care? California’s child care system has a legacy of undervaluing and underpaying labor historically performed by Black, Latina, and immigrant women of color. This inequity is continued with our state currently failing to provide full reimbursement to family child care home providers who are only reimbursed for 75% of the meals served to kids in their care. This state reimbursement gap means family childcare home providers receive no state funding for one out of every four meals they serve.

The Food with Care campaign, which includes a change in state law (AB 679 Wicks) and an increase in state funding, will finally eliminate the unfair meal reimbursement rate gap that is the legacy of historically racist state policy that discriminates against family child care providers.

We need your help. Share your stories.

  • WHO are we supporting?

    • Family child care providers

  • WHAT are we supporting?

    • Assembly Bill 679 (Wicks) and related state budget asks

  • HOW are we supporting?

    • Zoom interviews. We’re looking for family child care providers to interview. You’ll meet with two CACFP Roundtable interns for a 30-minute conversation about your experiences. Limited stipends of $50 Amazon gift cards are available for interviewees.

    • Multimedia Blog Series: CACFP Roundtable is a platform for your voices to be heard. We will record the Zoom interview for note-taking purposes and may include audio clips, with your permission, in the blog. We also invite you to share any pictures you’d like to accompany the narrative you want to tell! Our website reaches many within the CACFP community and policymakers in local, state, and federal positions.

  • WHERE are we supporting family child care providers?

    • Food with Care is both the bill AB 679 (Wicks), which is moving through the California State Legislature, and a state budget request for the Governor's office and the State Legislature.

  • WHEN are we interviewing?

    • May 8 – May 19, 2023, over zoom

  • WHY are we supporting AB 679 (Wicks) and related state budget asks

    • This bill is about correcting a long-standing wrong in state policy. Family child care is a critical part of our child care system and ensuring they receive equal reimbursement for meals served to the children in their care is simply the fair and just thing to do.

We couldn’t have gotten this far without your support, and we need to keep up the momentum as we approach the finish line! Through this interview process, you’ll share your experiences to help illustrate the real impact of food insecurity on caregivers’, families’, and children’s health; how unequal financial support among child care providers is harmful; and raise awareness of the needs and strengths of your community. With your permission, CACFP Roundtable will lift up your voice on our website through a multimedia story-telling blog series.

If you are interested, please email us at, and we will gladly schedule a time to meet with you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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