This year, back by popular demand, is the Family Child Care Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Summit! Our inaugural event last year was a wonderful learning experience for all those who were able to attend. CACFP Roundtable was excited to provide a full day of learning and networking for family child care providers focused on the CACFP, general health and wellness for the families they care for and for family child care providers themselves! It was also a celebration of all of the hard work being done for the communities by family child care providers. It was a special event and those who attended were specifically nominated by CACFP sponsors and other community organizations.
This year we are opening up the opportunity to anyone who would like to attend! Registration will be $175 and there will be limited scholarships available - more to come soon about this.
Family child care providers can expect a day of positive energy, discussions with family child care peers, and presentations from content experts all around nutrition, health, and wellness.
We're working on filling out the agenda but you can expect a lens toward meal service, healthy environments, and advocacy! Additionally, we are happy to welcome back that Angela Russ-Ayon, highly recommended from last year's Summit, will be joining us again this year.
Not only is this day going to be fabulous day of learning but it's at the Universal Sheraton at Universal Studios on October 6th! A beautiful time to be at Universal Studios and Universal City.
For now we have an interest form, if this sounds like a day you'd like to join, please fill it out and we'll be sure you're informed of the upcoming agenda, registration opening, and scholarship opportunity.