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National Day of Action to Urge Passage of #AmericanRescuePlan - 2/22/21

Writer's picture: Samantha MarshallSamantha Marshall

We'll be joining our friends at FRAC, the National CACFP Forum and the other organizations and advocates on 2/22/21 to tell Congress to Pass the American Rescue Plan. There's a toolkit to help share on social media and everything. Take a look at FRAC's action alert (link)!


Copied from the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) Action Alert. View original alert, here.

Join National Day of Action to Urge Passage of #AmericanRescuePlan Monday, February 22

Join FRAC, the Coalition on Human Needs, MomsRising, NETWORK Lobby, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, First Focus, many other leading anti-poverty organizations, and advocates across the country on Monday, February 22 for a Digital/Call-in Day of Action urging Congress to pass the American Rescue Plan.

On Monday, call your Members of Congress and urge them to pass the American Rescue Plan — Text "ReliefNow" to 747464 or call 1-888-523-8974 to be connected to your Senators. The text and call-in line, provided by MomsRising, will be available starting today and will be live all day Monday. You can also use the U.S. Capitol Switchboard to reach your Members of Congress: (202) 224-3121.

Join the tweetstorm on Monday, February 22 from from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern. Promo content can be found in the working toolkit, and tweetstorm content will be ready by Monday. FRAC will be submitting content related to the nutrition provisions in the American Rescue Plan.

Background/Messaging: Congress must pass a bold reconciliation package necessary to lift the country out of the devastating economic and health crisis caused by COVID-19. The reconciliation package making its way through Congress would enact President Biden’s American Rescue Plan and will provide desperately needed relief. For more information about the critical nutrition provisions in the bill, read FRAC’s Priorities for the Current Budget Reconciliation Bill, S. Con. Res. 5.

Join us on Monday to urge Congress: pass the #AmericanRescuePlan, which will help millions of struggling families get the nutrition and other critical support they need.

Thanks to the Coalition on Human Needs, MomsRising, and NETWORK for leading this effort.

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