Updated 7/25/2022 with Federal Register Link
USDA has announced the payment rates for meals and snacks which are in effect from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The rates have all gone up for both centers, homes, and sponsors.
The rates include the temporary increases of 10 cents per meal because of the Keep Kids Fed Act as well as tier 2 providers being reimbursed at the tier 1 rates.
These rates reflect the changes in the Consumer Price Index and have increased significantly in comparison to past years. For example, lunch and supper for family child care home reimbursements are a 41-cent increase in comparison to last year. Read the announcement here. The publication in the federal register can be found here.
Don't delay! The 31st Annual CACFP Conference request for presentation proposals closes July 31st. Join us in Sacramento in October to share your expertise and passion with the CACFP community. Submit your proposal here.
The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.