CACFP-CDSS Transition
Stakeholder Advisory Group

Project Overview
The CACFP Roundtable is working with the CDSS to facilitate CACFP stakeholder engagement and feedback on the transfer of CACFP. Under this work, the CACFP Roundtable will facilitate: (1) stakeholder input on the challenges and opportunities in accessing CACFP; (2) an analysis of the CACFP programmatic, regulatory, and policy streamlining opportunities; and (3) a CACFP Transition Blueprint, which will outline key policy and programmatic areas of importance, existing barriers to CACFP with a focus on systemic racism and geographical differences, and other recommendations for CDSS that will ensure more equitable access to CACFP.
The Role of the Stakeholder Advisory Group
The CACFP Roundtable is convening a CACFP Stakeholder Advisory Group, made up of geographically representative programmatic experts who reflect all sectors of the CACFP. The CACFP Stakeholder Advisory Group will:
Meet virtually approximately 2-3 times between July and September
Be responsible for providing input on work occurring under the Roundtable's "CACFP Transition" project (e.g., helping interpret findings from CACFP focus groups, feedback on the CACFP Transition Blueprint)
Be supported in assessing the CACFP through a racial equity lens
The CACFP CDSS Transition Stakeholder Advisory Group is composed of individuals representing different segments of the CACFP community and geographic diversity, including at least one representative of each of the following:
Center Sponsors (also sometimes referred to as Sponsor of Affiliated Centers)
Sponsors of Independent Centers (also sometimes referred to as Sponsor of Unaffiliated Centers)
Independent Child Care Centers (one, single child care site that directly contracts with the state)
Head Starts / Early Head Starts
State Preschools
Sponsors of Family Day Care Homes (FDCH)
FDCHs Providers
FFN Providers
Community Based At-Risk Programs
School Based Afterschool Programs
Emergency Shelters
Adult Day Cares
Candidates for the CACFP CDSS Transition Stakeholder Advisory Group must be currently acting in one or more of the respective roles listed above and must be affiliated with an organization/company that is currently participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program or has participated in the past 24 months.
Selection Process
A screening committee will review all applications received and select the candidates for each open position from the applicant pool. The committee will review each application holistically, and make recommendations for selecting candidates who reflect the necessary experience, knowledge, and diversity in order for the advisory group to meet the stated goals.