6 de octubre de 2024: Cumbre sobre cuidado infantil familiar
7 al 9 de octubre de 2024: Conferencia Anual del CACFP
Sheraton Universal
333 Universal Hollywood Drive
Universal City, CA 91608
Join us for the 34th Annual CACFP Conference in beautiful Monterey, CA! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with professionals, gain valuable insights, and enhance your knowledge in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Don't miss out on the chance to learn with your CACFP community leaders, while taking a well-deserved pause to breath in that fresh ocean air. We look forward to seeing you there!
We hope this website provides you all the information and resources you need; but if you have any questions - we're just an email away! You can contact us at conference@cacfproundtable.org.
CACFP Roundtable was formed in 1977 and is a nonprofit organization that works alongside the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) community to educate, advocate, and support the field. In all of the work we do at CACFP Roundtable, we see it as our duty to help facilitate dialogue, promote innovation, and create space for collaboration - our Annual CACFP Conference is no different.
We expect around 400 attendees from across the country to attend this year's 34th Annual CACFP Conference. We are looking forward to another successful event that pulls together just the right amount of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, all of whom have a seat at our table. Don't miss the engaging workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and celebratory networking opportunities.
Last Updated:
Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 11:45:34 PM UTC